Actualize OS Partner Quick Start Guide

You are invited to participate in a global movement to
share Ken Wilber’s Integral Wisdom with the world.

You have received an invite to this page because you are in a unique position.

You are an entrepreneur, you’ve built an online presence, and you influence the lives of tens or hundreds of thousands, and even millions of people through the ripple effects of your work.

You’ve done this because you consistently deliver incredible value that improves the lives of others. You have a passion for growth and personal transformation, and you have the platform to make a real difference in the lives of others.

That’s why we’re proud to invite you to partner with us in helping to change the world, by spreading the transformative work of the world’s most well-renowned contemporary philosopher, Ken Wilber.

If you’re like the many other thought leaders and teachers in the personal development space you may have noticed a similar problem.

It’s hard to find valuable content, that will make a significant positive impact in the lives of your audience, that you feel aligned with, that will ALSO convert into actual revenue.

Often, there’s great material out there, but the people working on it don’t understand marketing, and worse, there’s great marketing out there, but what they’re selling isn’t what they claim it to be.

What if instead, you could send your audience to a proven training, by one of the renowned authors and thinkers of our time?

What if you could make a meaningful contribution to the growth and development of humanity, and make a positive impact in the lives of others?

That’s the primary reason Sacred Media has partnered with Ken Wilber.

We bring decades of cumulative experience in branding, marketing and online education with authors such as Jean Houston, Neale Donald Walsch, Lynne Twist, Andrew Harvey, and many others, to make the profound body of Ken’s work, Integral Theory, accessible to a people from all walks of life.

We call it Actualize OS.

For the past 5 years, we’ve worked with Ken to test, optimize, and refine the training and the course marketing materials. After years of work, and thousands of students, we’re confident that we’ve created a product that changes people’s lives and a funnel that converts.

If you’re passionate about promoting transformative content to your audience and would like to be generously rewarded for your efforts, we’d love you have you partner with us to share Ken’s important work with the world.

What Though Leaders Are Saying…

“Ken Wilber is a genius… I don’t think there is a human being alive that has developed a more comprehensive theory of life, psychology & spirituality.”

Anthony Robbins
World Renowned Transformation Expert & Self Mastery Trainer

“Ken Wilber is a teacher of the teachers. His work is fundamental. Who among us can really take a serious role (in our individual and collective evolution) who are not familiar with his work?”

Marianne Williamson
Renowned Author, Teacher & 2014 Congressional Candidate

“You’ve had an amazing impact on my own life. You’ve also had an impact on so many. Your ideas have transformed my life and therefore I can say it has transformed Whole Foods Markets. It’s had a huge impact on the way I think about our business, our culture and the way I lead. You truly are a great man!”

John Mackey
Founder & CEO of Whole Foods Markets

Partner FAQ’s


1. Who is Ken Wilber?

Short answer: “Ken Wilber may be the most important living philosopher you’ve never heard of.” -Steve Paulson, Salon Magazine

“Ken is the teacher of teachers” -Marianne Williamson, Author

Ken Wilber is a world renowned philosopher celebrated by many great teachers, thinkers, artists, politicians, families, theologians, medical professionals and more.

2. What is the Actualize OS?

Short answer: “The greatest Map of Consciousness ever created” -C. Benz (Actualize OS Graduate)

Briefly, the Actualize OS is the culmination of the life work of world-renowned philosopher and author Ken Wilber. The fundamental focus is teaching Ken’s 5 mental models that transform the way that we think and see our own, others, and the entire world’s maximum growth potential. This new “integral” perspective allows us to cultivate capacities and potentials that we never knew were possible.

The training is 10-weeks long. It consists of ten 60-90 minute lectures which cover the five mental models, the three fundamental applications of the material, as well as an extremely powerful introduction and concluding modules to perfectly bookend the course. There are also 8 hours of bonus lectures from Ken, 20 hours of Question & Answer recordings, and dozens of bonus resources with guest teachers.

To summarize a bit more of the course here are some additional quotes from our graduates:

“It is probably the most important course EVER. I am sometimes speechless. It is brilliant” -Anne-Li M

“I’ve been familiar with Ken’s work for some years, but I think this may be the most potent, succinct rendering yet” -Matt R

“Taking this course is one of the best experiences of my life aside from becoming a mom and getting married. Actualize OS is the most incredible work I have ever seen or known” -Julie L

Please support us in sharing this material with the world.

3. How Much Does The Actualize OS Cost?

Short answer:
The regular tuition for the Actualize OS training is $997 to 1,997.

But for the duration of this 6-week evergreen campaign, we offer it for 50%-60% off the regular tuition, which is, $497-$777

We also have a generous need-based scholarship program. To date, we’ve provided over $250,000 in scholarships to highly engaged students that could not afford the basic tuition. Our goal is to get this material out to as many people as possible regardless of finances or geographic location.

The Silver program includes access to the custom-built learning platform and all of the digital materials.

The Gold program includes all of the physical materials (over 20 CD’s, workbook, digital transcripts, and bonus audios).

The Platinum program includes both the physical and digital materials as well as lifetime access to all future versions of the updated learning platform and bonus library.

For a limited window during each 6-week evergreen affiliate campaign, we reduce the price from 50-60%. Registration for the Silver (Digital) program will cost $497, the Gold (Physical) program will be available for $697, and the complete Platinum (Digital + Physical) program will be available for $777. After the initial discount time period is up, the programs are still available for purchase, but at a the higher, original price.

4. What is the Affiliate Partner Commission Structure?

Short answer: You will earn 40% commission on all Actualize OS product sales ($199.50 / $278.80 / $310.80 ).
We are passionate about sharing Ken Wilber’s integral operating system with the world. We truly believe that this community has the potential to create huge global shifts through collaboration. As such, we’ve structured our affiliate program to really reward our network of supporters.

First Tier: You promoting to your own audience.

We give 40% affiliate commissions on all of our digital “Silver” training packages. This means at a minimum you will earn $199.50 per registration that you generate through your promotion.

Our opt-in page has historically converted over 50% of affiliate traffic to leads. Our email campaign will convert 2.7% – 4% of those leads into customers.

If your audience chooses to upgrade to the Gold or Platinum packages your commissions go up from $248.50 to even more per sale. The commission, which is 40% (to account for the cost of physical production and fulfillment) is $278.80 on the physical “Gold” collection, and $310.80 on digital + physical “Platinum” collection.

Compared to industry standards, this structure allows you to generate even more income through promotion, and if you’re aware of Ken’s work at all, you understand it will allow you to have a much bigger impact on the lives of your audience.

When you support this campaign you’ll earn great commissions, but more importantly, you can feel proud of what you are promoting, and confident in your contribution to a better, more enlightened and conscious world.

Second Tier: You recruiting new partners to promote to their audiences

It is our goal to share the Actualize OS with as many people as possible, so we’ve created one of the highest earning second tier affiliate systems in the online education industry. We have partnered with no audience of their own that have generated several thousands of dollars simply by focusing their attention on finding and recruiting new partners into our affiliate program.

The second tier affiliate commission is 10%, which amounts to $49 to $77 per registration of any affiliate that signs up under you. That means even one affiliate that you recruit can generate thousands of dollars in commissions.

5. How Do I Participate in the Campaign?

Short answer: Email your audience on any given week prior to the regularly scheduled Thursday Preview Call Broadcast.

The Actualize OS enrollment campaign begins with a broadcast event with Ken Wilber on each and every Thursday. As a partner, you will email your audience with your unique affiliate link in the 6-day window prior to the broadcast event. The dates on the opt-in page and within all follow-up emails will automatically update to reflect when your member signs up for participation.

There is the highest opt-in potential if you choose to promote in the 48 hours prior to the weekly Thursday Preview Call. These windows tend to see the highest number of registrants, and we see a lot of participants who register directly from partner promotions to the sales page.

(If you wish to sign-up second tier affiliates, you will recruit others to register with your unique link to this page you are reading now, and encourage them to promote to their audience.)

“I have been feeling so much gratitude to Ken and to everyone behind the scenes for creating this delivery system and offering the Actualize OS to the world. It must be so wonderful for you to know that how you are spending your life energy is directly impacting so many people in such a powerful and positive way.” -Kinde

6. When Can I Promote this Training?

Since all dates within this specially created Evergreen campaign are automatically generated, then this truly can be a “set and forget” revenue generating opportunity for you. More importantly, when a member of your audience signs up for the 10-week course, they will receive some truly amazing lessons and material from Ken.

Participants from your audience will receive ten 60-90 minute lectures which cover the five mental models of the Actualize OS, as well as an extremely powerful introduction and conclusion modules to perfectly bookend the course. There are also 8 hours of bonus lectures from Ken, 20 hours of Question & Answer recordings, and dozens of bonus resources with guest teachers.

All of these valuable lessons from Ken Wilber’s seminary work transform the way that we think and see our own, others, and the entire world’s maximum growth potential. Your audience will grow and appreciate these inspiring lessons and will want to return to them again and again.

7. Where Can I Find my Unique Affiliate Link?

Short Answer:Ontraport

We’ve just updated and improved our affiliate system for 2017. We are now using Ontraport to manage our sales and handle our affiliate tracking. These systems together are the industry standard so you can be assured that your leads will be well tracked — and well protected.

8. Where Will I Find the Email Copy, Banners and Social Media Promo Tools?

Short Answer: The affiliate center

We have created a special Affiliate Center where you can find all of the email copy, banners & social media resources that you will need to promote this campaign effectively. Once you sign up as an affiliate, we will send you an email to let you know how you can access the Affiliate Center.

9.What Affiliate Program Are we Using?

Short Answer: Ontraport

We’ve just updated and improved our affiliate system for 2017. We are now using Ontraport to manage our sales and handle our affiliate tracking. These systems together are the industry standard so you can be assured that your leads will be well tracked — and well protected.

media resources that you will need to promote this campaign effectively. Once you sign up as an affiliate, we will send you an email to let you know how you can access the Affiliate Center.

10. Who Do I contact If I Need Affiliate Support?

Short Answer: Ontraport

Short Answer: Email  Gabe Braaten-Lee

Our amazing Affiliate Manager Gabe Braaten-Lee is available to answer any questions you may have along the way. He is here to support you! So if you don’t find the information that you need on this page and want some additional support with promotions, copy or links please feel free to contact him. She will also keep you in the loop by sending you email updates throughout the training. He will also be posting to the affiliate blog.

Gabe can be reached at or

That’s about it! We will be in touch with more information soon with more updates and resources so that you can make the most of this fantastic event.

Wishing you much success!

– Ryan Parks, co-founder Sacred Media